Awake in my sleep I shiver with the outer breeze, it’s still shady, dawn and darkness domains. My feet quietly touch the chilly floor, indifferent and detached I follow the path that takes me outside, travelling down the lonely road, lost, I humble for an answer… Patience! That I have in abundance… watching, wanting, waiting for the right time to feed my hunger, where a simple thought made me smile, when nothing else could but all the signs were there… the words have been spoken and the time has arrived and no one, no thing would ever be the same. My feeble mind wasn’t able to believe the obvious, that something beyond my reality was the reason for my suffering… but it was! It was then, the moment I started a soundless scream, a silent squeal, when I looked into the eye of hell… only to see my own eye looking back. My world has changed but they had not. At first I tried to fight, then I tried to run and then I tried to pray… No! I thought. That’s not the way and my only hope for salvation was to make a stand and close that door… maybe forever and let the pain begin. Now it seems like a moment past, a dimness age. For now I grace myself, pride my parents, my friends, my workmates and chill out by the sea. I think it’s over… Over? It’s not over! It’s never over... I may have past this obstacle but I know that deeply inside it is still asleep, waiting for the right occasion to raise and torment me again... Now that’s the real paradox!
quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2007
domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007
"Never allow someone to be your priority
while allowing yourself to be their option..."

"Nunca trate como prioridade quem te trata como opção..."
quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2007
Por vezes observo os indivíduos, como seres inanimados, oblíquos e distantes, que não estão vivos nem mortos, ausentes de alma, talvez estejam sós, carentes e incrédulos… como se de folhas secas se tratassem, em fase de decomposição à espera que uma brisa os erga e os transporte para outro local…
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